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  1. Ornatis by VSF, $15.00
    A drop cap ornamental font. Pro version includes the Basic one.
  2. Circus Ornate - Personal use only
  3. Ornate Deco by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Ornate Deco JNL is a thick-and-thin Art Deco serif typeface with diamond shapes inside the thicker parts of the characters. It is based on an alphabet example found in the 1949 French lettering book “Album de Lettres Arti”, and is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  4. Ornate Blackboards by Intellecta Design, $16.90
    Ornate Blackboards is a beautiful collection of ornaments from Intellecta Design, excellent for use in works of art and editorial publications, like book covers, headpieces to sections of books, magazines, packaging works, and many other solutions. Good to use with roman versals, chiseled fonts and many other different kinds of typefaces.
  5. Ornate Initials by Gerald Gallo, $20.00
    Style One is composed of a floral ornament rotated and reflected at 90 degree increments combined with a letter or number to form each ornate initial. The initials are A through Z and 1 through 0 for a total of 36 initials. Each initial is located under its respective key in the character set. Style Two is composed of floral ornaments rotated and reflected at 90 degree increments combined with a letter to form each ornate initial. There are two sets of initials A through Z. Under the character set the initials are negative on a positive floral background. Under the shift + character set the initials are positive on a negative floral background. Each initial is located under its respective key. Style Three is composed of floral ornaments rotated and reflected at 90 degree increments combined with a letter or number to form each ornate initial. There are two sets of initials A through Z and 0 through 9 for a total of 72 characters. Under the character set the initials are negative on a positive floral background. Under the shift + character set the initials are positive on a negative floral background. Each initial is located under its respective key.
  6. Highboy Ornate by Elemeno, $18.95
    Highboy Ornate is an ornamental version of Highboy. It's thinner than Highboy, but compliments it well.
  7. Broadgauge Ornate by FontMesa, $25.00
    Broadgauge Ornate originated from MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan in 1869 and was only available as an all caps font with numbers. Today this old beautiful wood type rises again from the archives complete with original numbers and an all new lowercase. An all caps Greek character set has also been added plus accented characters for western, central and Eastern European countries. Included in each font file are two sets of left and right pointing hands located on the Less Than and Greater Than keys and also on the Bracket keys. Because this font works well with a Las Vegas theme I've decided to make the pointing hands gambling related with one set of hands rolling dice and the other holding cards. The condensed versions were created because in today's computer graphics applications people stretch and condense fonts to fit their project but don't notice the change in vertical stroke widths or line thickness. After compressing the letter shapes of each Broadgauge Ornate condensed font the vertical lines were corrected making sure they were the proper width or thickness. The results are balanced condensed versions that weren't simply compressed with out consideration for their appearance.
  8. Orator by Bitstream, $29.99
  9. Orator by Mecanorma Collection, $45.00
  10. Orator by Adobe, $35.00
  11. Oration by RagamKata, $16.00
    Orient is a elegant and feminine sans serif with a touch of modern look and feel. This type of font perfectly made to be applied especially in logo, headline, signage and the other various formal forms such as invitations, labels, logos, magazines, books, greeting / wedding cards, packaging, fashion, make up, stationery, novels, labels or any type of advertising purpose.
  12. Free - Unknown license
  13. Goudy Ornate MT by Monotype, $29.99
    Over the course of 50 years, the charismatic and enterprising Frederic W. Goudy designed more than 100 typefaces; he was the American master of type design in the first half of the twentieth century. Goudy Old Style, designed for American Type Founders in 1915-1916, is the best known of his designs, and forms the basis for a large family of variants. Goudy said he was initially inspired by the cap lettering on a Renaissance painting, but most of the flavor of this design reflects Goudy's own individualistic style. Recognizable Goudy-isms include the upward pointing ear of the g, the diamond-shaped dots over the i and j, and the roundish upward swelling of the horizontal strokes at the base of the E and L. The italic was completed by Goudy in 1918, and is notable for its minimal slope. Goudy Bold (1916-1919) and Goudy Extra Bold (1927) were drawn not by Goudy, but by Morris Fuller Benton, who was ATF's skillful in-house designer. Goudy Catalogue was drawn by Benton in 1919-1921 and was meant to be a medium weight of Goudy Old Style. Goudy Heavyface was designed by Goudy for Monotype in 1925, and was intended to be a rival to the successful Cooper Black. Goudy Modern was designed by Goudy in 1918; its small x-height, tall ascenders and shorter caps impart a spacious and elegant feeling. Benton designed Goudy Handtooled, the shaded version that has just a hairline of white through its bold strokes. The Goudy faces, especially the bolder weights, have long been popular for display and advertising design. They continue to pop up all over the world, and still look reassuring to our modern eyes."
  14. LTC Goudy Ornate by Lanston Type Co., $24.95
    Goudy Ornate (also known as Ornate Title) was designed in 1931 by Frederic Goudy. He states "It is a simple, decorative face that has been used by some good presses for use on title-pages where size is more important than blackness of line." The new Lanston version includes a lower case and full character set designed in the style of Frederic Goudy.
  15. Archive Gothic Ornate by Archive Type, $19.95
  16. Ornata E by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Ornata E is the fifth of a series of old ornaments that I am trying to save from oblivion. I am completely redesigning the ornaments from scratch, trying in this one to keep the rough "letterpress" character. These ornaments were designed around 1910, I could not find out by whom. This set is perfect to design flowery frames since it has an enormous amount of flowery things. Your digitizing type-designing savior, Gert Wiescher
  17. Ornata F by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Ornata F is the sixth of a series of old ornaments that I am trying to save from oblivion. I am completely redesigning the ornaments from scratch. These ornaments have been designed around 1910, I could not find out by whom. This set is perfect to design flowery frames. Your digitizing typedesigning savior, Gert Wiescher
  18. Ornata D by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Ornata D is the fourth of a series of old ornaments that I am trying to save from oblivion. I am completely redesigning the ornaments from scratch, trying in this one to keep the rough "letterpress" character. These ornaments have been first designed by Auriol around 1910. This set is perfect to design a great number of frames. Your digitizing type-designing savior, Gert Wiescher
  19. Ornata A by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Ornata A is the first of a series of old ornaments that I am trying to save from oblivion. I am not just scanning these, I am completely redesigning the ornaments from scratch, thereby eliminating imperfections. Your digitizing type-designer, Gert Wiescher
  20. Ornata B by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Ornata B is the second of a series of old ornaments that I am trying to save from oblivion. I am not just scanning these, I am completely redesigning the ornaments from scratch, thereby eliminating imperfections. These ornaments have been first designed by the Elzevier printer family from the Netherlands. The designs date back til the 17th century and I think they just had to be saved. Your digitizing type-designing savior, Gert Wiescher
  21. Ornata G by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Ornata G is the seventh of a series of old ornaments that I am trying to save from oblivion. I am completely redesigning the ornaments from scratch. These ornaments have been designed around 1890, I think by someone at the Enschede foundry in Holland. These have a lot of nice swings. Your digitizing type-designing savior, Gert Wiescher
  22. Ornata C by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Ornata C is the third of a series of old ornaments that I am trying to save from oblivion. I am not just scanning these, I am completely redesigning the ornaments from scratch, thereby eliminating imperfections. These ornaments have been first designed by a designer named Ben Sussan. The designs date back to about 1910. Your digitizing type-designing savior, Gert Wiescher
  23. Font - Unknown license
  24. Orator 10 by Tilde, $39.75
  25. Confinental FREE - Personal use only
  26. Nasalization Free - Unknown license
  27. Network Free - Personal use only
  28. Negotiate Free - Unknown license
  29. Get Free - Unknown license
  30. Expressway Free - 100% free
  31. Eighties FREE - 100% free
  32. Rexlia Free - Unknown license
  33. Pakenham Free - Unknown license
  34. Zekton Free - Unknown license
  35. Mufferaw Free - Unknown license
  36. Larabiefont Free - Unknown license
  37. Fat Free - Unknown license
  38. Free Money by Jeremy Woods, $10.00
    Free money is an organic-looking display font. It was inspired by gig poster art, alternative comics and b-grade movies.
  39. Sugar Free by PizzaDude.dk, $17.00
    Don't be afraid to taste something sugar free - most times you will be surprised how good it tastes! My Sugar Free font may not look as very much at first glance - but play around with the Regular and Italic versions (and notice the 4 different versions of each letter, that automatically cycles as you type!) and you will see how lively the font is!
  40. Sultan Free by Linotype, $155.99
    Sultan Free, designed by Sultan Maktari in 2005, is a freestyle Ruqaa and a winner in Linotype’s first Arabic Typeface Design Competition. The design is open, calligraphic, and very dynamic. This makes it suitable for large display sizes, especially in the area of advertising, while still functioning well as a text face. The font includes a matching Latin design and support for Arabic, Persian, and Urdu. It also includes proportional and tabular numerals for the supported languages.
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